Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I have never ever written a happy post on this blog. This blog always seems to be the blog where I write unspeakable things. Like how tired am I off waiting and how cranky I get everytime I am the recepient of unwanted attention and how the most random people seem to be interested in me except the two people I would genuinely be happy about.
You know J I keep waiting for that one day when I wake up in the morning and do not feel the way I do. It'll be gone like wooooossshhhhhhhh gone and I'll be free and happy. Either that or you'll wake up one day and realise that damn it she is the one and I am in love with her. Neither of that seems to be happening and I continue to feel as miserable as I have been feeling for the last two months but for 3 weeks in the middle.
Double A I don't even know what happened. Where did I go wrong? I was soooooooooo wrong about our chemistry or am I an idiot to think there was more to it than there was. Was it not worth a shot? I don't know and I never will know. All I know is I miss your presence in my life and I miss that voice of yours and your texts and our long conversations late into the night and your driving to work and back from work calls, your silly and not so silly questions and I am plain lonely without someone like you in my life.


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